The mission of the Winchester Housing Coalition is to create organized, sustained, and broad community support to advance diversified and affordable housing in Winchester.
We are a group of Winchester residents who believe that affordable housing is vital for our town to thrive. We represent a variety of identities, committees, causes, and organizations (including the League of Women Voters and Network for Social Justice).
Our work involves organizing targeted educational programs; leading grassroots advocacy; supporting affordable housing policies, implementation approaches, and projects. We believe that together we thrive! 

Affordable Housing Lottery

The Devon at Weiss Farm -- Stoneham, MA

SEB Housing is currently working with The Devon at Weiss Farm, the Town of Stoneham, and EOHLC to provide affordable housing rental units. Below is a flyer for this affordable housing opportunity. 

If you’d like more information, have questions, or would like to receive an Information Packet and Application, call (617) 782-2300 x209. Information is also available at:

Ad_Weiss Farm Stoneham_2024.pdf

Status of affordable housing developments

Key: Not Yet Approved; Pending; Under Construction; Completed 

Map as of 10/01/2024. 

You can find a description of some of these projects by clicking on this link. Check back to see how projects have evolved! 

Winchester Housing:
Key Local Players

More information on each of these entities can be found by clicking on the names below:

Upcoming events

Stay tuned for upcoming programs!

If you want to learn more or wish to receive our occasional newsletter about housing updates in Winchester, email us at